Staging a fashion or jewelry photo shoot is a complex art; it requires the photographer’s expert ability to capture the beauty of the model, the setting, and the product in every shot.
A number of elements need to come together to form the perfect fashion photo: precise lighting to capture the mood, a carefully selected color palette, the skill of the model in capturing the essence of the brand with her look and pose, and a beautiful backdrop that seamlessly matches the model’s expression.
Perhaps most importantly, the photo needs to display the clothing or jewelry in a way that emphasizes its unique qualities. The model’s beauty and the environment of the photo all need to come together to complement and showcase the product.

How the Photographer Develops His Vision and Expertise
While the luxury photography that you see while you scroll through Instagram might seem relatively simple, it is actually tremendously difficult to strike all of these elements at once and create a holistically complete photo. Superior fashion photography requires years of experience on the part of photographer, model, makeup and lighting crew, and everyone involved.
One of the most skilled fashion photographers in the business is Hovents, a true artist who’s been mastering his craft over the course of decades. Hovents assembles only the best talent for his projects and precisely executes the vision of every brand he works with.

On his journey as a photographer, Hovents has conducted photo shoots for top modeling agencies, actors portfolios, and luxury brands like Jado Crown. In terms of his luxury jewelry work, one of his greatest assets as a photographic artist is his ability to frame each shot in just the right way to bring out the brilliant facets, intricate shapes and sparkle of each individual piece.
In photos showcasing the jewelry with a model, Hovents works with his fashion consultant to make sure the outfit complements the style and color of the gems and gold. Meticulous work is put into finding the ideal environment for each shot. In this way, Hovents is able to bring out the jewelry’s beauty in a variety of contexts, in order to showcase every potential expression of the piece.

Crafting Unique Photo Shoots of Luxury Jewelry
When it comes to jewelry photography, it’s often a challenge to make each piece appear as beautiful as it would in real life. Using just the right angle and a balanced lighting setup, Hovents is able to bring out the jewelry’s precise detail.
In his black and white photography, he takes advantage of the contrast to create powerful shadowed portraits, that evoke mystery and a sophisticated and classic look. In his color photography, the shadows of the jewelry are emphasized to give the pieces a powerful, almost mythic look. This only serves to bring out the complex detail work and beautiful color of the jewelry further.

Techniques for Showcasing the Jado Crown Collection
For the Jado Crown Collection, Hovents and his team used the powerful interplay of shadow and striking colors to create truly mesmerizing photography. He set up the shot by placing interlacing ribbons in flowing, circular patterns, and used this to bring out the powerful curves of the Jado Crown ring. The artistry of the Jado Crown is based on its unique naturalist design, and the organic shape of the ribbons are the perfect complement to its beauty.
Hovents also expertly showcased the Jado Couture collection, a more structurally complex set of luxury jewelry. In his photos of Jado Allure, the gorgeous ruby center stone takes center stage, and the use of shadow and ribbon only serve to heighten the intense beauty of the piece.

In the jewelry and fashion world, it’s rare to find a photographer with the vision, experience and artistic ability that Hovents offers. It takes special talent to be able to bring out the essence of the brand, the emotion of the model, and the beauty of the jewelry all in one photo, and this is what sets Hovents apart from other professionals in the field today.